Why Missouri Needs ISRS

Missouri’s electric infrastructure is aging while consumers’ expectations for reliability are rising. A new report, Electric Utility Regulatory Practices in Missouri, details the challenges and opportunities we face.

About the Author:

James R. Moody is the owner and president of James R. Moody & Associates, a Jefferson City-based consulting firm. Moody spent the first 19 years of his career working in Missouri state government, with the first 14 spent at the Department of Social Services. Moody was the Director of the Division of Family Services, Assistant Director for Business Services at the Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, and Executive Deputy Director of the Department of Social Services. He then became Missouri State Budget Director in 1987. In 1989, Moody was appointed the Commissioner of Administration by Gov. John Ashcroft, and he served in that capaticy through 1992.

For the past 20 years, Moody has operated James R. Moody & Associates. His consulting work has included providing services related to taxes, transportation issues, budgetary analysis of the impacts of riverboat gaming, and fiscal analysis of ballot issues. Moody is a frequent expert witness in judicial proceedings relating to ballot issues.

If you’d like a copy of the entire report, email Irl Scissors at irl@moenergyfuture.org.

Click here to download the full PDF one-pager.

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