Who’s got your vote? Use our new voter guide tool to find out!
As American citizens, voting is one of our most important and cherished privileges. However, it’s also a responsibility. Before we go to the polls, we have to make sure we truly know our candidates’ beliefs and values. Research is the best way to make sure we know who will best represent us on the issues that are important to us – including energy.
This year, Missourians have important decisions to make, both during August’s primaries, and November’s general elections. MBEF would like to help you be as informed as possible. That is why we’ve created the MBEF Voter Guide, an interactive web tool that allows you to search for the Missouri House and Senate candidates in your district. We asked candidates to answer detailed questions to learn more about their views on energy. We’ve included questions discussing SMRs, rate disparity and regulatory reform, and printed your candidates’ responses without any editing.
Click here to view the MBEF Voter Guide and learn about Missouri’s candidates views on important energy issues.