Tell legislators you support ISRS – a vital jobs bill for Missouri
Exciting progress is taking place in the Missouri General Assembly, and we need your help!
The House and Senate are expected to vote on Infrastructure Strengthening and Regulatory Streamlining (ISRS) in the coming weeks. Please act now and make sure your legislator knows you support this critical legislation for Missouri.
Many of MBEF’s members delivered testimony at the House Utilities Committee’s ISRS hearings over the last two weeks. These individuals represent Missouri-based companies that employ hundreds of Missouri workers. They all testified in support of Missouri’s energy future. Missouri business owner, Michael Zambrana, expressed the thoughts of Missourians across the state:
“Our company is not immune, nor is anyone immune, to this economic climate. Incentivizing this kind of infrastructure investment, which ultimately benefits the consumer, can create thousands of jobs in our field.”
ISRS is a sound compromise that will not only create jobs, but modernize Missouri’s century old utility regulations, creating a process that will encourage significant investment in Missouri’s electric infrastructure, which will in turn provide safe, reliable and efficient electricity.
You can make an important difference in Missouri. This legislation will create jobs and attract economic development to Missouri. Please click here and make your voice heard.
Irl Scissors, Executive Director