Exciting Momentum This Week

This week, former Sen. Kit Bond submitted a powerful op-ed in the Columbia Daily Tribune titled “Measure will keep lights on.” His words emphasized the importance of Infrastructure Strengthening and Regulatory Streamlining (ISRS) legislation, and the urgent need for Missouri to invest in a new and improved infrastructure that would yield much-needed jobs, improve electric service and reliability and directly benefit communities, families and businesses across Missouri.

Unfortunately, an aging electrical grid and century-old energy regulations have prevented our investor-owned utilities from proactively making these investments so far. The good news is ISRS legislation, which would allow these utilities to quickly recover costs, encouraging them to make the most effective investments for the benefit of Missourians.

Adding to this week’s exciting momentumWestinghouse Electric announced its renewed support for a second, promising opportunity to bring SMRs to Missouri. ISRS legislation would take us one step closer to opportunities like SMRs, and we were encouraged to see Westinghouse’s Kate Marx join other Missourians in support of ISRS this week in Jefferson City.

Thank you to former Sen. Kit Bond, Kate Marx and those who have shown support of this critical legislation. We’re confident that our state legislature understands the need for responsible regulations such as ISRS.  If you haven’t already, please urge passage of this key economic developing bill in an effort to keep Missouri’s lights on.


Irl Scissors, Executive Director

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