Good News Ahead in 2013
For those of us who are concerned about Missouri’s energy future, this year holds great promise. As the 2013 legislative session gets underway, we are looking forward to seeing how legislative proposals will unfold. We are encouraged as both House Speaker Jones and Senate President Pro Tem Dempsey list policy reforms that support investment and upgrades to Missouri’s energy infrastructure, as top policy priorities for 2013
The continued support of Missouri’s alliance to bring Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology and manufacturing to our state will remain very much a priority in 2013. With U.S. Department of Energy funding still in play, and Missouri’s alliance, led by Governor Nixon, all of the state’s utility providers and Westinghouse Electric Company prepared to support this effort, Missouri remains in position to be a global leader in SMR research, technology and manufacturing.
MBEF remains focused on these issues and looks forward to supporting legislation that aims to create new jobs, boost our economy and keep Missouri energy rates low and predictable to help attract new businesses to our state.
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