The Missouri Times: Ameren Illinois reducing rates again after infrastructure bill enacted

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – As Rep. Rocky Miller’s HB 2816 moves forward, Ameren Illinois announced it will file a rate case to reduce customer rates after the Illinois state legislature enacted a similar policy.

“We made a long-term commitment to our customers to strengthen the power grid and deliver cost-saving enhancements and it’s working,” said Craig Nelson, senior vice president, Regulatory Affairs and Financial Services for Ameren Illinois. “When combined with expected lower electric supply costs, our customers will continue to see stable prices for an advanced energy delivery system.”

The company is expected to request an approximately $14 million decrease in delivery service rates for 2017.

It will be the fourth such rate decrease in the years since the landmark Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act (EIMA) was passed in 2011, enabling Ameren Illinois to accelerate its efforts to modernize the grid and provide consumers more efficient, reliable energy delivery.

Further, Ameren Illinois’ gas supply charges are at their lowest levels since February of 2002.

Sen. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, inquired of policy similarities and differences when SB 1028, offered by Sen. Ryan Silvey, R-Kansas City, was heard in the Senate committee.

“[T]he proposed Missouri legislation is similar in many respects to Illinois,” said Erin M. O’Connell-Diaz, president of FutureFWD Inc. wrote in reply to Emery. “It is, however, properly different in order that it be structured in a manner that is appropriate for Missouri.”

The letter addressed the Senator’s quandary as to the differences between the Missouri and Illinois legislation.

O’Connell-Diaz testified in support of SB 1028, and outlined to Emery similarities between the policies.

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