News Tribune: Callaway nuclear plant back on line
Refueling and maintenance activities at Callaway Energy Center are complete, and the 1,190-megawatt nuclear plant is back in service, according to Ameren Missouri officials.
This was the 21st planned refueling and maintenance outage for Callaway, officials said in a press release.
To help accomplish the wide range of tasks, more than 1,000 supplemental workers joined Callaway’s regular workforce of about 800 employees providing a powerful boost to the area’s economy.
“Our refueling outages are successful because of the dedication and teamwork of Ameren’s co-workers and our supplemental staff. Their ongoing efforts ensure that equipment integrity is maintained and that Callaway will continue to be a reliable source of energy for our state,” said Barry Cox, senior director of nuclear operations.
During the refueling period, which began April 2, thousands of periodic maintenance activities, inspections and tests were performed to maintain and monitor the integrity of plant.