School is in session

Now that Missouri students are back in classrooms, we are seeing some interesting trends at one of our state’s finest institutions. Missouri University of Science & Technology is seeing a record enrollment in 2013 estimating a total enrollment of about 7,900 students. According to this AP article, the school will also have record numbers of female and minority students. That’s good news for the long-term health of Missouri’s economy.

Many of these engineers will graduate and utilize their talents locally, staying in Missouri to work with established energy giants like Burns and McDonnell. Last month, the engineering and architectural firm announced it had hired 225 recent graduates, 87 of those coming from Missouri and Kansas. That’s a good sign that the energy economy is growing as demand for graduates with engineering and science backgrounds escalates.

Nationally, nuclear engineering students seek to better themselves as they fight for $5 million in Department of Energy scholarships and Fellowships. This year alone, the Federal government provided awards to sixty-eight undergraduate and post-graduate students at U.S. higher education institutions.

“Supporting the next-generation nuclear energy workforce plays a critical role in maintaining American leadership in clean energy innovation and the safe and secure use of nuclear power worldwide. The scholarships and fellowships will help ensure that U.S. nuclear engineers and scientists continue to be among the best energy innovators and researchers.” -Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz

The Federal government and local companies like Burns and Mac recognize the importance of training the students and workforce of today in the technologies and science of tomorrow. Here’s to the new students and future graduates of Missouri’s higher learning institutions. May you help to discover new and efficient ways to keep the lights on for many years to come. Good luck in your studies!


Irl Scissors, Executive Director

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