MBEF Statement on Governor Nixon’s Veto of SB240

While we greatly respect Governor Nixon’s veto of SB240 and the reasons behind it, we are disappointed in the missed opportunity to expand the efforts to improve and replace Missouri’s utility infrastructure. Missouri’s gas utilities have replaced and modernized over 200 miles of pipeline – “more than 86 percent in excess of the amount mandated under the PSC order” – and are poised to continue their progress. This work was performed by Missouri’s skilled labor force – creating hundreds of jobs – and as progress continues, more jobs will be added to the effort.

The ISRS model clearly encourages utilities to replace and upgrade their infrastructure, which in turn creates jobs and will greatly benefit Missouri consumers in the form of safer, more reliable and efficient energy transmission.

While Governor Nixon sees the concept of ISRS as a means to improve Missouri’s infrastructure, MBEF believes it is the appropriate tool to bolster the safety and reliability of Missouri’s outdated electrical infrastructure as well. Fifty-year-old substations and an aging power grid must be modernized in order to provide the ever-increasing demand for 24/7 reliable, safe electricity. ISRS is also necessary to avoid the dangerous situations like the underground electric vault fire that occurred recently in St. Louis.

ISRS is the right way to go to encourage investment in our electrical infrastructure now and in the future. An upgraded, modernized efficient power grid will greatly benefit Missouri residents and business owners and will provide long term cost savings to the ratepayer.


Irl Scissors, MBEF Executive Director

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