MBEF Statement on the Filing of Early Site Permit Legislation

Fri, Jan 13, 2012

We applaud Rep. Riddle for her determination and effort to file and pass this important piece of legislation. In the wake of stricter EPA emissions standards and the rising demand for electricity, MBEF believes the passage of this bill is needed now more than ever in Missouri. Its passage could lead to thousands of new jobs and billions of dollars into Missouri’s sagging economy. Furthermore, the construction of a new nuclear plant would secure a cleaner, more efficient power supply for Missouri while preserving long-term affordable electric rates for our future.

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Guest commentary: Used nuclear fuel is a good energy source

Tue, Dec 13, 2011

Ever since the government banned its use in the recycling of used nuclear fuel nearly 35 years ago, “reprocessing” has been a dirty word. Many nuclear scientists and engineers, however, believe a new commitment to reprocessing is the key to solving the nuclear waste problem and ushering in a new generation of advanced power reactors. Hundreds of nuclear professionals recently sent a joint letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu and White House science adviser John Holdren urging such action.

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Guest commentary: Labor must get creative in negotiating to survive

Tue, Nov 29, 2011

It’s been four years since the economy went on life support in a recession that still saps the lifeblood of business today. In the St. Louis construction industry, unemployment remains at a Depression-level 30 percent to 40 percent. The union sector has frozen or cut wages and modified work rules to stimulate work. But it is all too clear that this is a market without money, frozen by credit gridlock. It’s a watershed moment for labor, requiring a more creative approach to negotiating with the market.

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Guest commentary: An uncertain future for power plants

Wed, Oct 19, 2011

The near-term future of our nation’s and Missouri’s economies is filled with uncertainty. Our struggle back from one of the largest economic downturns in U.S. history is extremely challenging.

Compounding our situation even more are the pending Environmental Protection Agency regulations that will both threaten jobs and increase costs on energy consumers in Missouri.

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Legislative and Events Update

Thu, Sep 15, 2011

Missouri’s legislators get it. They know that the best way to bring more jobs, more economic investment and more affordable, reliable energy to our state is to leave open the option for a second nuclear power plant. That’s why some of our legislators are speaking out on behalf of the nuclear site permit bill.

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