MO Energy Legislation Update

Missouri’s 2013 legislative session closed with some progress on the energy front.  While the General Assembly missed a golden opportunity to pass an electric ISRS bill that would have lead to major job creation, an updated regulatory structure and massive upgrades to our electric infrastructure, two other bills successfully made it through the process and now await Governor Jay Nixon’s signature or veto.

SB240, also known as the gas ISRS, passed successfully.  This legislation will enhance gas pipeline safety and reliability, while protecting consumers from unnecessary rate hikes.  The gas industry has enjoyed the use of the ISRS model to replace aging pipelines for the last decade and this bill will expand that effort putting Missouri’s skilled workforce on the job.

The bill further establishes tough consumer protections, capping increases through ISRS and enabling gas utilities to file less frequent rate cases. Both of these measures will keep Missouri gas energy affordable and reliable for future generations.  We urge Governor Nixon to SIGN SB240.

HB142, the Solar Protection Act, also passed successfully this session.  This legislation will slowly phase down the $2 per watt solar rebate gradually through 2020, protecting both solar customers and installers from any sudden discontinuation of the rebate program.

As the price for solar energy lowers and the systems become more efficient, the solar industry continues to have a bright and competitive future in Missouri as a leading energy job creator.  We urge Governor Nixon to SIGN HB142.

While we celebrate the success of these important bills, our General Assembly missed a crucial opportunity this session regarding electric infrastructure.

ISRS brought the potential for an updated electric infrastructure in Missouri, which would provide affordable and reliable electricity for consumers, thousands of immediate and long-term jobs and economic development opportunities for our state’s manufacturing industry. We remain confident that momentum to pass electric ISRS will continue to grow as is a necessary step to secure our state’s energy future.

Thank you for your continued interest in Missouri energy issues. Addressing Missouri’s growing energy needs is a not only an energy priority, but an economic priority for our state.


Irl Scissors, Executive Director

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